Monday, July 26, 2010

7/23/2010---Hill City, So Dakota

We spent the most of the day today at Custer State Park.  So. Dakota is so beautiful.  We drove the wildlife loop searching for wildlife.  Wasn't much around today.  Jesse did however, get a couple of pictures of a large herd of elk running through the woods.  They are much bigger than I thought they would be.  Also saw a few Pronghorns.  They look like a combination of a small antelope and a deer with black horns.

 Then we went over to the Jewel Caves (national park).  It was too late in the day to grab a tour,,,all sold out. 

We drove the Needles Highway.  It was such an amazing drive.  Took about 1 1/2 hrs.  The drive is a narrow curving road with one car tunnels and bridges.  The scenery is unbelievable.  There are huge rock formations that tower up in front of you as you drive.  At the top of the ride is what they call the needles eye, it is a bunch of these towering spires all together and what looks like a crack between them in which you drive through (very carefully).  I have posted pictures but you have to be there to really appreciate it.

We ended up out day at Mt. Rushmore.  It is a very emotional place.  It symbolizes these men who had great visions for this country.  We got there about 8PM so it was still light and we got pictures of the monument of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln.  We stayed for the lighting ceremony which began at 9PM.  They had a short narration from the ranger about the monument and then a 20 minute movie on how the mountain was sculpted.  They then lit up the mountain, what an awesome sight.  They then asked all the veterans to come up on stage.  So Jesse got to go up and receive recognition.  They then asked all the Vietnam Vets to step forward and said when they returned from war they were not welcomed appropriately.  So he began by thanking them all for their service.  Of course, I was in tears.  The whole audiance stood and applauded them.  So emotional and finally the Vietnam Vets are recognized as heroes. 

As we head down the mountain back to the campground, we both realize how lucky we are to be able to see all these things and thank God for this beautiful country.

See pictures at:


  1. Looks like you both are having a great time!! We all miss you here and it's nice to be able to see what's going on with your trip, through your words and pictures. It definately makes us feel alot closer to both of you.

    We love you,
    Matt & Kathy

  2. Oh that is so nice to hear. We love you too and miss you all. Wish you were all with us. We are having a great time.
