Wednesday, July 25, 2012

JULY 21-JULY 24, 2012

The last few days have been travel days.  We have stayed overnight at Prince George, BC, Dawson Creek, BC and Fort Nelson, BC.  Haven't done too much as our days have been longer driving days.

While on our way to Dawson Creek we did stop along the way in Chetwynd to take a quick tour of where they hold the Chetwynd International Chain Saw Carvings.  They had over 120 carvings on display.  People come from all over the world the 2nd weekend of June to carve sculptors out of a log. The log is 8 feet long and they have 35 hrs to complete their carving.  They can only use machines,,,no sculpting by hand tools.  The town pays for all their expenses like travel, place to sleep and meals.  In return the town gets to keep the sculptings.  They were beautiful.  


This morning we all went to Milepost 0 (the beginning of the Alaskan Highway) and had our caravan group picture taken in front of the sign.  We went back later and got our picture taken in front of the original sign that was in the middle of the road.  We are officially on the Alaska Highway. 

                                MILEPOST O (Beginning of the Alaska Highway)
On our second night in Dawson Creek we all went to a Wild Animal Game Farm where we had dinner and a tour of the farm with several species of wild animals.  Our dinner consisted of Elk Stew, Bison Roast and Wild Boar with assorted salads and desserts.  It was good and very different.  The tour of the farm was good.  If I had to choose these foods from a menu in a restaurant I don't think it would be a choice of mine nor Jesse's.  It was good, however, to sample the different items.  The best in my opinion was the Elk Stew.  

Last night we stayed at Fort Nelson, BC.  There was a small museum on site that we visited.  Had our travel briefing for today and off to the coach for supper, showers and an early night.  We are tired,,,,lol.   

Gotta run,,,Jesse is hooking up and we are heading to Liard River where there are hot springs.  We are staying in the Provincial Park there,,,,,so no internet or cell service.

Having a great time.  


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