Monday, June 4, 2012


The four of us headed out early this morning to go to The Henry Ford museum.  We had a 90 mile drive to get there.  Once we arrived we found out that there was a lot more to see than we thought.  There is a full day tour of the museum along with a special exhibit of the Titanic, a full day tour of the Greenfield Village and a half day  factory tour.  We decided to purchase a 2 day ticket and a ticket to go into the Titanic exhibit.  We did the museum and Titanic exhibit today.  We started the day with the Titanic exhibit.  Before we went in they gave each of us a passport showing the name of the person who was on the ship that day, along with information about that person.  Below is the person that Jesse got.  At the end of the exhibit there is a board that shows all the people who lived and those who perished.  There were 2223 passengers on board of these 1517 died.  Jesse and Harry's  people died,,,,Carla and I lived.  Probably because they loaded women & children first onto the lifeboats.

It was an excellent exhibit,,,,made you feel like you were actually on that ship and it was going down.  They had an actual iceberg in there that you could touch....very cold.  We were in this exhibit for 2 hours.

We then started on The Henry Ford museum.  This again was an excellent museum.  There were many sections in there, each depicting different eras

We got to sit in Rosa Parks  bus and see the chair in which President Lincoln was assassinated in the Ford Theater,,,you can see the blood stain on the back of the chair.  This was an incredible museum.  Loved it and would highly recommend it to anyone.


  1. Awesome pictures Rita....Brings back memories...I knew you would enjoy it! Love Love Love your blog :) Sue F

    1. Glad you are enjoying our blog Sue. We are having an awesome time.
