Tuesday, June 26, 2012

JUNE 21, 2012

This is our first full day in Medora, ND.  We went to visit the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  Got another stamp for our book.  These are considered the Badlands of North Dakota.  They aren't as pretty as the Badlands in So. Dakota but they are still impressive.  We spent the whole day driving through the park loop which is 36 miles.

Badlands of North Dakota (Theodore Roosevelt National Park)

Little Missouri River running through the National Park

Prairie Dog

Buffalo Herd

Maltese Cross Cabin. Theodore Roosevelts first cabin on his first ranch.

After touring the National Park we went back to the motorhome to get ready for tonights Steak Pitchfork Fondue supper and Medora Musical.

At the Fondue they put steaks on an actual pitchfork and deep fry them.  They were delicious.  It was served with a buffet of beans, baked potatoes, vegetables and dessert.  

Putting Steaks on Pitchforks

 Steaks lined up on pitchforks ready to be fried

After dinner we went next door to the Medora Musical.  It is set in an outdoor amphitheater.  The singers and actors were great.  Part of the show was a portrayal of Roosevelt and part of it was a western musical.  It was 3 hrs long and fantastic.  The weather was beautiful.  Sun doesn't set here until close to 10PM.  

Medora Musical left side of stage 

Medora Musical right side of stage
Center Stage
After Dark
Elk climbing up the mountain in back of stage.  Cowboys on horses finally had to come
to move him along.

Another great day.  

JUNE 22, 2012

Today we walked into town and visited a few shops,  Very small western town.  Not much to do here other than the National Park and the Musical. 

Ready to move on tomorrow.

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