Tuesday, June 26, 2012

JUNE 26, 2012

Today was a lazy day. We were awakened by a large thunder and lighting storm with heavy rain and 1/4 inch hail and it sure came down.  Why does thunder sound twice as loud than at home????
It stormed for most of the morning and at times raining with the sun bright in the sky. Montana is the "Big Sky Country" and it surely seems that way. This afternoon the wind picked up and is whipping around at 40mph + according to the National Weather Service. So we used the time to fix our pictures and catch-up on the blog. The campground here has a restaurant and I guess we will go over for there famous Huckleberry Ice Cream Pie. We had their cinnamon buns this morning.  Like our granddaughter Meaghan says "YUM":

PS: It is now 7:15 pm and the wind is still howling and still raining, it is not going to subside until after                               midnight.

      I guess it's going to be a long night.!!!!!!!!!

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